December 1: A Letter From NATJA’s CEO

Hello from your advisory board co-chair, filling in for Helen as we cross from Thanksgiving into the holiday shopping season. And hopefully, travel planning season for 2023! This has been a great year of roaring back for many of our destination partners and we hope next year is a successful one too for all of us who saw travel evaporate for a while there.

Now it’s December when we’re all wondering where the other 11 months went. I spent a big chunk of those months traveling, trying to make up for two years of limited roaming space, and I’m writing this from Thailand. I managed to make it to places on four continents this year and could see Africa from the coast of Spain, so mission accomplished.

I saw some of you at the conference in Puerto Rico (and wrote a little story about it here), a terrific get-together after so much time apart. Have you made plans for the next conference in Fairbanks, Alaska? There are still slots open if you haven’t signed up yet and the NATJA payment plan makes it easy to pay for over time. You’ll learn a lot, meet some great writers and industry colleagues, and have some great Alaskan adventures.

On to the news!

Tim Leffel
Editor, Author, Blogger, Writer

Image in the banner courtesy of Tim Leffel.

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