March 1: NATJA Notes

Dear Friends,

First of all, I would like to congratulate all of our winners in the 31st Annual NATJA Awards Competition. The judges had a difficult time selecting the winners given the creativity and excellence in each submission. Special thanks to our Advisory Board Co-Chair Francesca Donlan of Discover Newport Rhode Island and NATJA Vice President, Yanira Leon for teaming up to make our Zoom announcement. We are very proud of our members who have won in their categories. This truly speaks to the level of talent in our membership. Bravo!

There is still time to register for our conference in Fairbanks, Alaska. This is one not to be missed as NATJA travels to “the last frontier”! Part of our experience will be an all-day trip to the crown jewel of the United States National Parks Service, Denali National Park as well as pre and post-trips to the Arctic Circle. Alaska Railroad is offering 20% off train rides, which is great for those flying into Anchorage. And of course, Alaska Airlines is offering 5% off flights, which NATJA will match! Please consider joining us.

As your CEO, I couldn’t be prouder of our talented membership. Thank you for your continued commitment and support of NATJA.



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