Dear NATJA Family & Friends:
The NATJA team is struggling a bit with Covid-19 and the shutdown, like all of you, but we are surviving and preparing to emerge and thrive. We are all on part-time layoff currently with travel not happening and revenues for our members and ourselves reduced to a trickle. But we are working with your Advisory Board to design new ways to serve our members and help them prepare for the adjustments that are sure to be part of the “new normal.” We are reimagining NATJA’s benefit delivery for both media and for our DMOs. We are working on a virtual mini-conference and hope to have an announcement on that later this month if we can arrange the many details. And we are holding virtual meetings with our DMOs on reopening strategies trying to sort the good from the not-so-good. It is a bit chaotic for all of us, but we are seeing a path forward. Please all stay safe as a first priority, and work with us to bring new thinking to how to best navigate these difficult times.
Warm regards,
Helen Hernandez
Chief Executive Officer