Dear NATJA Family & Friends:
First of all, thank you to all who participated in our June NATJA membership virtual meeting. We had participation from over 30% of our membership. Our Advisory Committee members, Chair Kathryn Farrington and members Vickie Ashford, Tonya Fitzpatrick, Helen Hatzis, Tim Leffel, Barbara Marrett, and Shelly Rivoli shared their thoughts about NATJA and how they have used their member benefits. Congratulations to members Jeremy Bassetti, Sandra Bornstein, and Rose Palmer for winning door prizes, including a NATJA polo shirt and $50 off membership dues! If you missed the meeting, it is available on the NATJA website.
We received strong support for quarterly media meetings so we are in the process of planning dates for this effort. Our DMO/CVBs have been meeting regularly to share their experiences during this pandemic. Our calls have become a “neighbor helping neighbor” support system, one that has been beneficial in the current environment.
We will be planning various informative webinars in the months to come including virtual press trips, and diversity and inclusion for which NATJA has been at the forefront in supporting and executing in leading by example. Details will be provided to all our members once they are confirmed.
Our office staff is still, by and large, working remotely, and given the incredible spike in COVID-19 cases in California, it may continue for a while. We do hope, however, to have the awards competition prizes sorted and sent out this next month.
Please stay safe by practicing social distancing, wearing a mask, and washing your hands.
Happy Canada Day and 4th of July!
Warm regards,
Helen Hernandez
Chief Executive Officer