Explore Fairbanks Spotlights New Aurora Tracker Video

Fairbanks, Alaska (AK) –Under the veil of darkness, the aurora borealis, like magic, appears and dances across the sky. This mesmerizing and compelling natural phenomenon lures travelers to the Fairbanks region where the northern lights are commonplace. Because this awe-inspiring natural phenomenon frequents the skies above Fairbanks there is a growing alliance of Aurora Trackers, both local devotees as well as those that have chosen to live here because of the lights. The video features cameos of five Fairbanks Aurora Trackers sharing their sentiments about the northern lights as well as some of their favorite photography.

Here in the Fairbanks region, you find people that live for the chase, stay up all hours of the night, delve into the science, have their own secret aurora viewing vantage points and love to tell stories about the magnificent auroras they have witnessed and photographed. They describe how seeing the aurora conjures up feelings of wonder and awe, of experiencing something that feels ancient. The Aurora Trackers describe how Fairbanks is an ideal place to scan the skies for the northern lights due to its far north location. The new video can be seen at www.explorefairbanks.com/blog/auroratrackers.

Fairbanks is a world-famous aurora viewing destination. Spanning all four seasons during nine months of the year, Aurora Season in Fairbanks runs August 21 through April 21. Fairbanks’ location directly under the Auroral Oval—a ring-shaped region hovering over the far north—combined with a good balance of clear nights, occurrence frequency and activity allows for excellent aurora viewing opportunities. Additionally, Fairbanks’ low precipitation, distance from coastal areas and minimal light due to low population density consistently contribute to clear, dark skies and optimum viewing.

Due to the fact that natural phenomena are unscathed by viruses, locals are chasing the aurora and have developed ways to safely assist visitors in this pursuit. Whether chasing the northern lights is an unfilled dream, or something that you can’t get enough of, with reasonable safety measures Fairbanks can make your aurora viewing wishes come true.

Photo: The Aurora Borealis over a lake near Fairbanks, Alaska. Courtesy of Andy Witteman.

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