Wild About Florida: South Florida

Geography has dealt Florida a lavish hand when it comes to natural gifts. The Sunshine State is filled with unusual flora and fauna. South Florida is home to the endangered Florida panthers and the only North America crocodiles. The Everglades swarm with wildlife from birds such as wood storks, ibises, flamingos, roseate spoonbills and dozens […]

Wild About Florida: North Florida

By: Kathleen Walls Come explore caves, hills, whitewater falls and lots of things you didn’t expect to find in Florida. North Florida still lets you enjoy the sun and sand of Gulf and ocean beaches you expect in the Sunshine State but there is so much more. The northern counties are different from their southern […]

Wild About Florida: Central Florida

By: Kathleen Walls Central Florida has the Atlantic Ocean and Gulf beaches much like other parts of Florida, but in other ways it is distinct and unique. The Florida scrub jay, a bird many Floridians believe should be our state bird, is found nowhere else in the world. Central Florida is bisected by one of […]

Tour Jordan: Land Of Antiquities

By: Kathleen Walls There is so much to see in Jordan. Tour Jordan from Amman and Jeresh to the port of Acaba, visiting Madaba, Mount Nebo, The Dead Sea, the Jordan River, Wadi Feynan, Petra, and Wadi Rum. This tour is available on Tours4Mobile.

Tampa Wild Tour

By: Kathleen Walls Tampa is the place to visit in Florida for some really big natural attractions. Wildlife attractions make this a vacation mecca. Want to visit Winter, the star of “A Dolphin’s Tale” and continue on to another great aquarium?  Then there is Busch Gardens, a zoo, and Big Cat Rescue. Go wild and join […]

North Georgia Mountains Travel Guide 2012: A Visit to the Georgia Mountains

By: Kathleen Walls == Northeast Georgia’s Ancient Mystical Mountains are Unforgettable for their Beauty, Culture and History ==This is a trip filled with natural beauty, outdoor adventures and unique shopping. Once you visit the Appalachian Mountains, they will call you back again and again. — Why Get This Guide? —* This book will guide you […]

Mesa Verde Country Tour

By: Kathleen Walls One of American’s most intriguing mysteries surrounds the Anasazi culture, now called Ancestral Puebloans, of Mesa Verde. On this tour, we’re going to uncover some answers as we visit both little-known and well-known sites. We all have heard of  the more well know sites in Mesa Verde Country like Cliff Palace and […]

Merritt Island Wild Life Refuge Tour

By: Kathleen Walls From the fluctuating climate and the fresh, salt, and estuary waters came thousands of unique species of incredible diversity… a natural world unlike any other place on earth. Of course, being on the Atlantic flyway doesn’t hurt Merrett Island National Wildlife Refuge (MINWR)’s birding reputation a bit. One special bird found there […]

Hosts With Ghosts: Haunted Historic Hotels of the Southeast

By: Kathleen Walls The South has long been famous for its Southern Hospitality. Hotels throughout Dixie vie with one another to offer their guests more service and more amenities. They strive to make each visitor feel like a cherished family member instead of a paying customer. When you visit a hotel, you expect more than […]

Georgia’s Ghostly Getaways

Georgia’s turbulent history has been a natural breeding round for ghost stories and legends. The last of the thirteen original colonies, its heroes and villains have been larger than life characters. From Revolutionary soldiers to Confederate officers, from southern belles to wicked witches, from spirit cats to howling prehistoric dogs, Georgia has some of the […]